Simply try to add things to the cart.
Stocklevels are set – for each item – to 25, 12, 5 and 0 respectively for each size.
Note: For clarity in this demo, maximum levels have also been added *manually* to the size name here (after “small”, “medium, “large”). This behaviour is *not* done automatically by the plugin.

Special Pizza
- 4.95small
- 7.45medium
- 9.95large
- 14.99xxl
- 4.95
- £
Mauris gravida, nisl a mollis lobortis.

Great Steak
- 4.95small
- 7.45medium
- 9.95large
- 14.99xxl
- 4.95
- £
Vivamus nisi enim, faucibus ut auctor nec, vulputate vitae nibh. Maecenas scelerisque malesuada risus, sit.

Yummy Pudding
- 4.95small
- 7.45medium
- 9.95large
- 14.99xxl
- 4.95
- £
Praesent ut massa dolor. Aenean pharetra quam at risus aliquet laoreet posuere ipsum porta.