Pizza Half & Half / Quarters
- 4.95small
- 7.45medium
- 9.95large
- 4.95
- £
Allow different toppings for each half or quarter while the "Base" is only settable for the entire Pizza. "Thin Crust" pre-selected. Additional toppings available (but no more than 2 different ones). "Additional Info" Textbox.
Setup -> Post Edit Screen: Whole/Half/Quarters enabled
Setup -> WPPizza Ingredients: Ingredients List, Custom Group 1, Custom Group 2, Custom Group 3, Preselect (Custom)Group, Textbox(Custom)Group

A Simple Must Choose Two
- 5.99regular
- 5.99
- £
using dropdowns instead of radio inputs
add ingredients setup details:
list of ingredients, custom group 1, custom group 2

Chicken Curry
- 5.00regular
- 5.00
- £
click the price to choose your spice setup : sizes (wppizza->mealsizes): screenshot ingredients (wppizza->ingredients): screenshot ingredients custom group (wppizza->ingredients : tab->custom groups): screenshot menu item (wppizza->menu items : selected menu item): screenshot result: just click on the price above..

simple meal for 2
- 14.00regular
- 14.00
- £
2 minimum selections required, 2 maximum selections allowed add ingredients setup details: list of ingredients, custom group

simple meal for 2 – upsell
- 14.00regular
- 14.00
- £
minimum 2 , maximum unlimited but for extra charges add ingredients setup details: list of ingredients, custom group

Ice Cream Cups
- 3.003 Balls
- 5.005 Balls
- 7.007 Balls
- 3.00
- £
Select 3, 5 or 7 free. additional at cost screenshots: sizes, ingredients, custom groups (1), (2), (3), custom groups - exclude (1), (2), (3), menu item prefixes (@,# are simply for identification purposes)

Breakfast Example
- 25.00regular
- 25.00
- £
add ingredients setup of this example: a bunch of ingredients custom group 1 custom group 2 custom group 3 - preselect coffee enabled in item

- 10.00per person
- 10.00
- £
Sell platters depending on number of people.
The example here is based on: 1-9 people £14 p/p , 10-19 people £12 p/p, 20+ people £10 p/p. adjust as required. see links below for screenshots how this is set up.
- set platter meal size
- add platter "ingredients" (i.e no of people), drag/drop sorted
- set platter custom group
- enable ingredients for platter menu item
add_filter('wppizza_filter_loop_prices', 'myprefix_platter_filter', 10, 2 ); function myprefix_platter_filter($prices, $post){ if($post->ID==85){/**change this id as appropriate**/ $prices[0]['price'] = __('from').' '.$prices[0]['price']; } return $prices; }
#wppizza-article-prices-85 > ul > li > span:before{content:'from ';}use your browsers element inspector to get the right element id