WPPizza Demos : “Preorder” Extension – Overview

WPPizza “Preorder” examples. Requires WPPizza and the WPPizza “Preorder” extension
  • Set to allow preorder up to 5 days in advanced – even if shop is closed
  • To see what it does, simply go to one of the menu pages, add an item to the cart and go to the checkout page by clicking on “place your order”
  • You will see a “when would you like to order for” option. If the shop is “naturally” open, the first available timeslot is (optionally) selected. If the shop is closed at this time, the customer will be forced to make a selection from the available timeslots during normal opening hours
  • if the shop is currently closed a – editable – note in the cart and above menu items will also be displayed
  • To see backend options of the plugin login with user: demo / password: demo
  • Note: for security reasons, some backend options of the plugin have been removed and saving has been disabled